3. München 2020

Place/Ort: KunstPavillon im alten botanischen Garten, München
+ Danilo Bastione (München/Napoli)
+ Jernej Kaluza (Ljubljana)
+ Mladen Miljanovic (Banja Luka)
+ Philip Kojo Metz (Berlin)
+ Robert Prosser (Wien/Alpbach)
+ Mirjam Bayerdörfer (Zürich)
+ Maria Justus (München)
+ Domino Pyttel (München)
+ Phillipp Rhensius (Berlin)
+ Julie Semoroz + Swann Thommen (Genève)
Place/Ort: KunstPavillon im alten botanischen Garten, München
+ Danilo Bastione (München/Napoli)
+ Jernej Kaluza (Ljubljana)
+ Mladen Miljanovic (Banja Luka)
+ Philip Kojo Metz (Berlin)
+ Robert Prosser (Wien/Alpbach)
+ Mirjam Bayerdörfer (Zürich)
+ Maria Justus (München)
+ Domino Pyttel (München)
+ Phillipp Rhensius (Berlin)
+ Julie Semoroz + Swann Thommen (Genève)

Short Curatorial Introduction
Participants in this project contribute their artistically or theoretical funded work - offering a critique on a culture that is increasingly characterised by segregation and greed, and very often accompanied by nationalistic undertones.
This is a process of open thinking and acting, speaking and tugging, in order to tap into and disrupt mainstream political narratives. Classic democracy, in the sense of establishing a State objective; and Liberalism, in the sense of a free thinking, are often characterised by an idea of isolation. In this context, there is a strong focus on the desires and needs of the individual. In contrast, we want to bring back into play the possibility of a sharing and participating collective society.
The Munich event showcases a variety of approaches; with different theoretical and artistic contributions questioning and complementing each other. The program is comprised of body-sound-voice performances, as well as short talks and discourses.
The types of perspectives and actions that will emerge in Munich remain to be seen as the event unravels. This naturally prompts us to question whether we, as a society, should put emphasis on expanding borders of any kind, or on expanding personal horizons? We might also ponder what strengthens our mutual responsibility and the necessary willingness to help others.
We strongly believe in the power of performative artistic action and theoretical approaches to strengthen our lived experience as well as our exchange with one another. And of course, critical perspectives and suggestions from the visitors are very welcome!
Harm Lux
Short Curatorial Introduction
Participants in this project contribute their artistically or theoretical funded work - offering a critique on a culture that is increasingly characterised by segregation and greed, and very often accompanied by nationalistic undertones.
This is a process of open thinking and acting, speaking and tugging, in order to tap into and disrupt mainstream political narratives. Classic democracy, in the sense of establishing a State objective; and Liberalism, in the sense of a free thinking, are often characterised by an idea of isolation. In this context, there is a strong focus on the desires and needs of the individual. In contrast, we want to bring back into play the possibility of a sharing and participating collective society.
The Munich event showcases a variety of approaches; with different theoretical and artistic contributions questioning and complementing each other. The program is comprised of body-sound-voice performances, as well as short talks and discourses.
The types of perspectives and actions that will emerge in Munich remain to be seen as the event unravels. This naturally prompts us to question whether we, as a society, should put emphasis on expanding borders of any kind, or on expanding personal horizons? We might also ponder what strengthens our mutual responsibility and the necessary willingness to help others.
We strongly believe in the power of performative artistic action and theoretical approaches to strengthen our lived experience as well as our exchange with one another. And of course, critical perspectives and suggestions from the visitors are very welcome!
Harm Lux
Kurze kuratorische Einführung
Die Demokratie, aber auch die Kultur und der Liberalismus (im Sinne des freien Denkens) sind von Absonderung geprägt, von der Konzentration auf die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse des Einzelnen.
Das Projekt BIW versammelt im Geiste eines kollektiven Denkens internationale Künstler*innen, die ihre eigenen, künstlerischen oder theoretischen Positionen einbringen, um Kritik an diesen Entwicklungen zu üben -
und in Form eines offenes Dialogs sowie Sound-, Musik- und Spoken Word-Performances,
populistische Narrative auf ihren Gehalt abzuklopfen. Hierbei sind kritische Stimmen und Anregungen der Besucher*innen herzlich willkommen…
Harm Lux
Kurze kuratorische Einführung
Die Demokratie, aber auch die Kultur und der Liberalismus (im Sinne des freien Denkens) sind von Absonderung geprägt, von der Konzentration auf die Wünsche und Bedürfnisse des Einzelnen.
Das Projekt BIW versammelt im Geiste eines kollektiven Denkens internationale Künstler*innen, die ihre eigenen, künstlerischen oder theoretischen Positionen einbringen, um Kritik an diesen Entwicklungen zu üben -
und in Form eines offenes Dialogs sowie Sound-, Musik- und Spoken Word-Performances,
populistische Narrative auf ihren Gehalt abzuklopfen. Hierbei sind kritische Stimmen und Anregungen der Besucher*innen herzlich willkommen…
Harm Lux
Mladen Miljanovic, artist, Banja Luka, BiH
Mirjam Bayerdörfer, artist, Zürich
Domino Pyttel, artist, Münich
Robert Prosser, author & artist:
Philip Kojo Metz, artist, Berlin
Philipp Rhensius, sound researcher, writer & composer:
Julie Semoroz, soundartist-composer &
Swann Thommen, artist, both Geneva
Danilo Bastione, artist, musician, Münich, Napoli
Jernej Kaluža, Prof. Dr. philosopher, Ljubljana
Ann Schomburg, artist, Berlin
Philip Kojo Metz, artist, Berlin
Participans + Audience + Curator
Mladen Miljanovic, artist, Banja Luka, BiH
Mirjam Bayerdörfer, artist, Zürich
Domino Pyttel, artist, Münich
Robert Prosser, author & artist:
Philip Kojo Metz, artist, Berlin
Philipp Rhensius, sound researcher, writer & composer:
Julie Semoroz, soundartist-composer &
Swann Thommen, artist, both Geneva
Danilo Bastione, artist, musician, Münich, Napoli
Jernej Kaluža, Prof. Dr. philosopher, Ljubljana
Ann Schomburg, artist, Berlin
Philip Kojo Metz, artist, Berlin
Participans + Audience + Curator
Bring in Weight,
A Critique on Populism
KP KunstPavillon
Im alten botanischen Garten,
Sophienstrasse 7a
80333 München
PROJECT by Kunstraum Walcheturm (Zürich)
Curatorial + Coordination by Harm Lux
Produced by Flux I bell sTRUcTURs e.V. (Berlin)
Organisation partner: KP KunstPavillon, München
Design: studio-mllr.com (München)
Text Edition: Philipp Rhensius (Berlin) + Sian Cottrell-Davies (Auckland)
Webpage: Carlos Leon-Xjimenez + Harm Lux (Berlin)
Bring in Weight,
A Critique on Populism
KP KunstPavillon
Im alten botanischen Garten,
Sophienstrasse 7a
80333 München
PROJECT by Kunstraum Walcheturm (Zürich)
Curatorial + Coordination by Harm Lux
Produced by Flux I bell sTRUcTURs e.V. (Berlin)
Organisation partner: KP KunstPavillon, München
Design: studio-mllr.com (München)
Text Edition: Philipp Rhensius (Berlin) + Sian Cottrell-Davies (Auckland)
Webpage: Carlos Leon-Xjimenez + Harm Lux (Berlin)
