Flux I bell sTRUcTURs

association for search, theme & performance

Red Thread 2024/25:
to strengthen our sensitization,
we encourage meandering
as an artistic working method,
this in parallel with the
development of new
(open) cartographies

Flux I bell.space 

︎︎︎Current Project
︎︎︎Upcoming Projects


Mäandern:::meander (pictures)
︎︎︎Curatorial Text
︎︎︎Participating Artists
︎︎︎Space & Time
︎︎︎Project Workframe
︎︎︎Invitation Text, July 2023

Flux I bell sTRUcTURs
︎︎︎Projects curated by
Harm Lux, till May 2022

Bring in Weight
︎︎︎a critique on populism
︎︎︎Info & Concept
Local Sites & Artists Names:

Curatorial Course
︎︎︎2021 / 2022

Lübbener Str. 1
10997 Berlin Kreuzberg

Thu. & Friday 14.15 - 18.15
Sa. 12.00 - 15.00
Sowie nach Vereinbarung
/ by appointment

Holiday: 21.12.24 - 07.01.25


Robert Prosser


Rezitation und Performance: Vom Bosnienkrieg, insbesondere dem Genozid in Srebrenica, bis hin zur Legendenbildung in der katholischen Kirche: Anhand seiner literarischen Arbeit spürt Prosser den populistischen Taktiken und deren oft verheerenden Auswirkungen nach, die die jüngere Geschichte Europas geprägt haben.
Die aktuellen Pandemie-bedingten Geschehnisse können der Performance eine zusätzliche Spannung verleihen.


Recitation and performance: From the war in Bosnia, especially the genocide in Srebrenica, to the formation of legends in the Catholic Church. Using his literary work, Prosser traces the populist tactics and the often-devastating e_ ects that have shaped Europe’s recent history.
The current pandemic-related events will likely add tension to this performance.