FRIEDERIKE HAMMANN arbeitet als multitechnisch bildende Künstlerin in Berlin und nutzt verschiedeneVerfahren, um ihre jeweiligen Ideen zu realisieren. Ihre Inspiration wird auch und gerade durchfurchterregende Zustände wie Katastrophen oder Krieg herausgefordert. In der Ausstellung präsentieren wirdie Fotoserie: Fragmente, die durch einen fremden Ort führen. Die Natur-Originale, schwebende,geometrisierte Blattfragmente und der Wind werden sie im Januar durch vom Feuer verwüstete RegionenTeneriffas leiten. Auf der Einladung (und im Anhang): Friederike Hammann Quadrierte Fragmente Nr. 2 (2023) //
FRIEDERIKE HAMMANN works as a multi-technical visual artist in Berlin and uses various processes to realise her ideas. Her inspiration is also and especially challenged by terrifying situations such as catastrophes or wars. In the exhibition we present the photo series: Fragments that lead through a strange place. The nature originals, floating, geometricised leafs fragments and the wind will guide you through fire-ravaged regions of Tenerife in January. On the invitation (and in the appendix): Friederike Hammann Squared Fragments No. 2 (2023)
FRIEDERIKE HAMMANN works as a multi-technical visual artist in Berlin and uses various processes to realise her ideas. Her inspiration is also and especially challenged by terrifying situations such as catastrophes or wars. In the exhibition we present the photo series: Fragments that lead through a strange place. The nature originals, floating, geometricised leafs fragments and the wind will guide you through fire-ravaged regions of Tenerife in January. On the invitation (and in the appendix): Friederike Hammann Squared Fragments No. 2 (2023)
SARA RAJAEI, lebt und arbeitet in Rotterdam, aufgewachsen im Iran. Studierte Bildende Kunst in Teheran, Den Haag und Stipendiatin an der Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Ihre Video- und Filmarbeiten zeichnen sich durcheine enorme Präzision (sprich: Harmonie zwischen minimalem Bildangebot, gesprochenem Wort und Ton) aus, die starke Formen der Involvierung und Empathie erzeugt. Parallel dazu arbeitet sie an einem Körperatlas surreale Körperskizzen werden aus dem Nichts auf Papier geworfen, lebendig vor Leichtigkeit. Es sind Körper, Linien, denen keine Identität gegeben wurde, sie sind das Ergebnis einer schnellen künstlerischen Bewegung -Werke, in denen es keinen Denkort und keinen Grund gibt! Das Gewicht und die Drehung der Körpersuggerieren Einsamkeit, Verschmelzung, sind eine im Raum schwebende Transformation. Auf der Einladung: The Body Atlas Nr.625 (2023). //
SARA RAJAEI, lives and works in Rotterdam, grew up in Iran. She studied fine arts in Tehran and The Hague, received a scholarship from the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Her video and film works are characterized by enormous precision (i.e. harmony between minimal images, spoken word and sound), which creates strong forms of involvement and empathy. At the same time, she is working on a Body Atlas surreal body sketches are thrown out of nowhere onto paper, alive with lightness. They are bodies, lines that have not been given an identity, they are the result of rapid artistic movement - works in which there is no place to think and no reason! The weight and rotation of the bodies suggest loneliness, fusion, a transformation floating in space. On the invitation: The Body Atlas No.625 (2023).
SARA RAJAEI, lives and works in Rotterdam, grew up in Iran. She studied fine arts in Tehran and The Hague, received a scholarship from the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Her video and film works are characterized by enormous precision (i.e. harmony between minimal images, spoken word and sound), which creates strong forms of involvement and empathy. At the same time, she is working on a Body Atlas surreal body sketches are thrown out of nowhere onto paper, alive with lightness. They are bodies, lines that have not been given an identity, they are the result of rapid artistic movement - works in which there is no place to think and no reason! The weight and rotation of the bodies suggest loneliness, fusion, a transformation floating in space. On the invitation: The Body Atlas No.625 (2023).
Friederike Hammann, “squared leaf no.2” (2023)
Presented project photography: “leading fragments thru a strange place”
She works as multi-technically visual artist based in Berlin using various proceedings to follow her ideas. They often recur to dystopic themes like disasters or war. The original leaf fragments of these pics and the wind will conduct her thru the burned parts of Teneriffa.
OPENING: 16 November
Presented project photography: “leading fragments thru a strange place”
She works as multi-technically visual artist based in Berlin using various proceedings to follow her ideas. They often recur to dystopic themes like disasters or war. The original leaf fragments of these pics and the wind will conduct her thru the burned parts of Teneriffa.
OPENING: 16 November
We-Thu-Fri.: 14.15 - 18.15
Sa 12.00-15.00 and on request
Public-transp.: Bus 165, U1, U3 Schlesisches Tor
(or Görlitzerbahnhof), Bus M29-Spreewaldplatz
Sara Rajaei, The Body Atlas Nr.625 (2023). Presented works (drawings) a selection of “The Body Atlas”
Sara works as film director and creates body sketches at the same time, based in Rotterdam. Her “Body Atlas” works correspond to lightness! These are bodies, strokes that have not received an identity, they result of a rapid movement - but without place of thought and without ground (reason). The weight and the rotation of the body suggest solitude, fusion, suggest transformation suspended in space, nothing more, nothing less.
Lübbener Str. 1, 10997 Berlin
Backyard 1. door R, -1s.floor R
Tel: 49.30.6187935 Mob.49.179.9372304
Email: fluxibell.structurs@gmail.com
Web: https://bringinweight.net
Instagram: fluxibell.structurs
Project by: Flux I bell sTRUcTURs e.V.-Berlin
Sara works as film director and creates body sketches at the same time, based in Rotterdam. Her “Body Atlas” works correspond to lightness! These are bodies, strokes that have not received an identity, they result of a rapid movement - but without place of thought and without ground (reason). The weight and the rotation of the body suggest solitude, fusion, suggest transformation suspended in space, nothing more, nothing less.
Lübbener Str. 1, 10997 Berlin
Backyard 1. door R, -1s.floor R
Tel: 49.30.6187935 Mob.49.179.9372304
Email: fluxibell.structurs@gmail.com
Web: https://bringinweight.net
Instagram: fluxibell.structurs
Project by: Flux I bell sTRUcTURs e.V.-Berlin